INFO-CAFÉ for refugee women at FiZ in Stuttgart

Women often flee their countries due to gender-based violence. Some of the reasons can be
(the menace of) forced marriage, Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or sexualised violence.
FIZ (Women Information Centre) is a women right’s organisation supporting refugee women.
Datum und Uhrzeit

Moserstraße 10
70182 Stuttgart


At the INFO-CAFÉ we offer

… free counselling on and after a negative asylum procedure for refugee women.

… a safer space for refugee women to meet with other refugee women and share their experience.

You can come regardless of whether you are still in asylum procedure, your asylum case has already been rejected or you do not have any papers.

Do you have questions like

... What can I do if my asylum case has been rejected?

... They gave me a Duldung. What does that mean?

... They asked me to bring a passport. What does that mean?

... I have problems with Ausländerbehörde. What can I do?

... How can I stay permanently in Germany?


  • We give advice on questions concerning the asylum procedure, Duldung or a negative asylum decision. 

  • We help you to consider perspectives for your situation. 

  • Our counselling services are free and anonymous.

  • The INFO-CAFÉ takes place every second Tuesday between 10-12 am. The dates are available on the website.

Where does the INFO-CAFÉ and counselling take place?

FiZ (Women Information Centre) in Stuttgart 

For further information: 0163 9149108 or link below